De ce se face publicitate avortului medicamentos?


Raspunsul il gasiti, in limba engleza, in analiza publicata de Lifesitenews.


Voi incerca un rezumat al analizei situatiei in SUA.

RU-486 a fost aprobat ain septembrie 2000 in SUA, dupa o indelunga campanie de promovare.



 Motivele sunt 5 la numar:

1. Necesitatea unei refaceri a imaginii avortului

Industria avortului a devenit constienta de faptul ca femeile cunosc acum durerea, umilinta si intimidarea prin care trec pe o masa de avort chirurgical (chiuretaj). Astfel din 1994 avortul “chimic” a fost prezentat ca fiind “sigur”, ca se compara cu o pierdere “naturala” de sarcina si ca are mai putine complicatii, cum ar fi perforarea uterului sau traumatizarea canalului cervical.

S-au omis in informarea femeilor durerile mai mari, sangerarea prelungita si produsul a fost prezentat ca fiind “nou si imbunatatit.”


2. Copiii in stadii mai timpurii ale sarcinii sunt tinte mai simple

Adica inainte de a putea fii considerati “umani”, “o fiinta umana”, asa cum apar in echografiile performante din ultimii 20 si mai bine de ani.

Miza e mare:“…RU-486 e activ la un stadiu atat de timpuriu incat oponentii moderati ai avortului ar putea fi convinsi sa isi re-examineze obiectiile fata de semnificatiile biologice ale substantei.” Si totusi mamele care avorteaza chimic, “sigur”, pot distinge mici membre sau doua pete asemena  ochilor, pentru ca totusi sa existe posibilitatea ca avortul chimic sa fie terminant printr-un avort chirugical.

3. Noi aliati si extinderea  zonei de actiune.

In multe tari avortionistii nu reprezinta o categorie de medici respectati de restul bransei medicale. 

Avortul chimic ofera posibilitatea adaugarii unui nou “serviciu medical”, mai ieftin si mai discret practicii medicului respectiv, creind aparenta unui ambalaj nou uciderii copilasilor nenascuti. Un argument suplimentar invocat este al “accesului crescut” in zonele in care nu exista avort chirugical.

Pana in 2010, Planned Parenthood, cea mai mare companie din SUA  oferind ca serviciu “medical” avortul, reusise s aintroduca avortul chimic in 30% din facilitatile sale, unele oferind exclusiv  avort chimic, inclusiv la distanta prin “consultatii” video.

4. Cresterea veniturilor

Protocolul a fost astfel adaptat incat costul avortului chimic sa scada drastic, indiferent de efectele asupra femeilor. Las citatul in engleza (informatii in limba romana puteti citit pe pagina dedicata avortului medicamentos din acest blog):

“The FDA approved protocol called for women no more than 49 days past their last menstrual period to receive three pills of RU-486 after being screened and being counseled about the process (which they take there in the doctor’s office) which is to shut down the baby’s support system and cause the child’s demise.  Under the protocol, the woman is to return to the doctor two days later to receive two pills of misoprostol, taken by mouth, to stimulate powerful uterine contractions to expel the tiny corpse.   She is to return on day 14 to confirm whether or not her abortion is complete.

It was under this protocol that the FDA declared the drug “safe” and “effective.”

There were several things the industry did not like about this protocol, however, and it was arguing for alternate protocols even before the FDA gave final marketing approval.

RU-486 (or mifepristone) is a complex drug to manufacture and is imported from China, so it is expensive, about $90 a pill.  With three of those pills running $270, the cost of three office visits, the personnel to screen and counsel the patients, this left a slim profit margin, if any.   And if priced significantly higher than the surgical method, they might have difficulty selling the new product.

In the name of increasing effectiveness and decreasing side effects, the industry offered several modifications to the protocol, modifications dubiously offering improvements in either safety or effectiveness, but clearly increasing the abortionist’s profit margin and decreasing requirements for office time, space, or personnel.

The newly promoted protocol reduced the number of expensive mifepristone pills from three to one, but doubled the dose of the misoprostol, which ran only a dollar or so a pill.  The National Abortion Federation (NAF) protocol allowed the woman to take the prostaglandin (misoprostol) at home, rather than returning to the office, eliminating at least one office visit.  That industry protocol also extended the cutoff date by two weeks, from 49 days LMP to 63 days LMP, thereby opening the doors to a whole new group of customers.  Reports indicate that many are performed even past this limit.”

5. Exportarea avortului in tarile in curs de dezvoltare

Falsul mit al supra-popularii planetei este speculat de “binevoitori” care doresc sa rezolve “problema” prin contraceptie si avort. RU-486 a ajuns a fi aprovat in peste 40 de tari din toata lumea. Sistemul de distribuire e foarte bine pus la punct, aprobarea guvernelor tarilor respective putand fii scurt-circuitata:

“Ominously enough, however, the spread of the concept may be more deadly than government approvals.  What promoters of these pills want most of all is for women to get the idea that there are drugs that they can buy and use to put an end to their pregnancies, whether their governments have approved the pills or not.

This is why there is a website,, where women from countries where abortion is not legal can go, click “I need an abortion,” go through a short cursory medical interview, promise not to hold the organization liable, and order abortion pills to be sent to their home with instructions.  There is no specific charge, but a minimal donation of 90 euros is requested (about $118).

Women with Internet access or a mobile phone can access and order from the website in twelve different languages.

Though cell phones today are found in some of the remotest sections of the planet, promoters of the abortion pill are not depending on their customers being technologically savvy or even literate.  Abortion and family planning groups are promoting a special prepackaged blister pack of RU-486 and prostaglandin developed by an Indian pharmaceutical firm and marketed as “Medabon.”

What is remarkable about this packet is that it comes with step-by-step cartoon graphics illustrating not just how and when to take the pills, but also expected side effects.

Instead of the expensive RU-486 pills that may be harder to bring into some countries, several groups are promoting the use of the considerably cheaper prostaglandin (PG) misoprostol, which is normally used in the second step of a RU-486/PG abortion, as a stand alone abortifacient”


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